Telegram (messaging app)
Reach me at @aidanhorn
Reasons why Telegram is better than WhatsApp
Telegram can more easily be used across devices. In particular, Telegram is better designed for computers.
One does not need Telegram to be installed on a mobile phone, so this lets one control notifications on one's phone more easily.
WhatsApp Desktop periodically logs one out of the session, which creates difficulties with logging back in.
The desktop app is more stable that WhatsApp's desktop app (which can crash, potentially losing text that was crafted but wasn't sent).
Telegram messages are backed up (encrypted) to their cloud server, so, if one loses one's phone, or changes one's number, one won't lose one's Telegram messages.
It is much easier to log in to a Telegram account when switching between Android and iOS, compared to transferring messages in a WhatsApp account.
End-to-end encryption on Telegram can still be enabled by choice.
When messages are deleted, it does not leave a marker behind.
Groups can have a much bigger size, and there are many additional settings on Telegram, such as limiting the rate at which group members can send a message. New members can also view older messages when they join, if one chooses that setting.
Messages can be edited, which eliminates the need to send a follow-up message to correct spelling or incorrect details.
Messages can be pinned.
One can share one's screen in a call, even on a mobile phone.
If you phone someone and their phone is off, then the dialling tone lets you know if none of their devices is ringing. (With WhatsApp, one cannot tell if a person's phone is off or not when you ring it.)
Media is sent in original quality. By comparison, in WhatsApp photos are compressed (if they are not sent as files). This causes issues with others saving high-quality photographs, for instance when they later want to use the photos.
Previous messages can be read when joining a group. This takes away the need for a leader to repeat a message.
Bots can easily (and cheaply) send messages in groups, whereas on WhatsApp bots can only send messages directly to customers, at a cost of 20c per 24-hour conversation window.
A message can be scheduled to be sent in the future.
Features that are good about both Telegram and WhatsApp
There are far fewer spammers compared to e-mail.
Admins can delete unwanted messages in group chats.
Phoning overseas is cheap.
You can make a poll in a chat.
They both support two-factor authentication, which guards against hackers taking over one's account.
One can message oneself, to make notes, or share data across devices.
Reasons why WhatsApp is better than Telegram
With a business profile, one can send automatic replies in WhatsApp.
The user base of WhatsApp is much larger than Telegram.
New Telegram users tend to be added to random forex signals groups, as by default anybody can add a new user to a group. This can be circumvented by changing the setting so that only contacts can add one to a group.
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