Computer Literacy Training
- Do you know how to log in to your Gmail account?
Can you send an email in your Gmail account?
Set up Two-Factor Authentication if you have a phone.
Share your Gmail address with me, so that I can add you to a Google Chat Space.
- Save your CV in your Google My Drive, and edit it in Google Docs
Update it
Fix spelling errors
Make the layout look attractive, and restrict the document to two pages or less
- Create a folder for your own work in the C:/Users/username/Documents directory, and create a .txt file in there.
Open the text file, write a few sentences, and save it.
- Create a graph of an exchange rate trend in Google Sheets
- Download five images from Google Images, make the backgrounds transparent, and save them as .png files, using GIMP.
- Cut three rectangular screenshots, and send them as messages
- Join a Google Meet meeting successfully
And create a Google Meet meeting in Google Calendar, adding one or two others.
And extract only a single page, or a few pages, from one PDF, and save that 'split PDF'.
And, re-organise some of the pages from the first exercise in the heading, and save that file.
Fill and sign a PDF in Adobe Reader.
If you download them all at once, please unzip the folder.